A Quiet Place is a science-fiction horror film directed by John Krasinski who stars alongside his wife, Emily Blunt, and is produced by Michael Bay and his production company, Platinum Dunes. The film centers on a family surviving in an Earth that has been invaded by aliens who rely on sound due to having no eyes and have to go day by day in trying to make as little noise as possible in order to avoid them. Krasinski and Blunt play a married couple with children who have managed to stay alive due to the fact that they already knew sign language as one of their children is deaf and have been able to communicate with each other since the invasion. Due to how sensitive the alien's hearing is most of the film has no dialogue and a lot of the sound is natural and what you expect in an abandoned town, the forest, waterfall, and other such natural noises that the family must be careful not to make louder. The performances of both the leads and the children is really good, especially since the actress who plays the deaf daughter is actually deaf. Well paced and with really good scares, every time there's a noise that you don't expect or causes a much louder noise than usual is one of the best ways to get your blood pumping due to not knowing whether the aliens will be drawn by the noise and where they will come from as they are fast and mainly silent until they get close. The aliens themselves have a very spider like design and a part of their heads can be removed to reveal a large ear like thing that they use to pick up the faintest of sounds. This is a horror film that proves that even with a PG-13 rating, you can still be terrified and surprised by what they have without relying on a ton amount of gore and violence. One complain I do have is that the deaf daughter is kept from going downstairs to the basement of their home and it's never explained why. The ending where they figure out how to defeat the aliens and ends on the family about to attack back in a cliffhanger was awesome. Over all: 100%
2018 top list so far:
1. A Quiet Place
2. Black Panther
3. Ready Player One
4. Game Night
5. Thoroughbreds
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