The third film in the Power Rangers franchise and the first of a rebooted series to the original show from the 1990s. Produced by Haim Saban, the creator of the original show and owner to the overall franchise, this film is a more serious take to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers show that started it all. Instead of centering around five teenagers with attitude specifically chosen to fight the forces of evil as Power Rangers, this movie expands and takes liberties to some of the mythology on which it's based on by having the five teens be outcasts, each with their own problems, who just happen to find the objects that lead them to become Rangers and fight a reawakened Rita Repulsa. All in all Saban's Power Rangers is a lot of fun, with really great moments, but there are some negatives to go with the positives. The way the characters are developed and how they each deal with their insecurities is done so spot on, especially by the acting and chemistry by the five leads, you forget how bland the characters were in the original show. I never had a problem with the suits as one has to improve when going from a simple show to a big budget movie and they have a perfect blend of practical and CG. The more serious tone is fitting as I believe that the franchise has potential to be taken seriously the same way that many other things were given their dues like Batman or animated films as a whole. However, it does try to be too hard in trying to be darker by putting more swearing and some jokes you expect from Michael Bay. Elizabeth Banks is great as Rita, though the fact that Goldar is treated like any other monster from the show instead of her strongest general is a slap in the face to the show. The absolute worst thing about the film is the numerous times they mention Krispy Kreme due to the object Rita wants is buried underneath one and they say the name way too many times. In the end, Saban's Power Rangers is a fun superhero ride with some flaws but with so many references to the various incarnations, takes a long time for the Rangers to get their suits but the fight sequences are amazing, and though too dark at times still has time to be playful and exiting. Over all: 88%
2017 top list so far:
1. Logan
2. The Lego Batman Movie
3. Saban's Power Rangers
4. Kong: Skull Island
5. Split
6. Beauty and the Beast 2017
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