Directed and written by Wes Anderson,
Isle of Dogs is a stop-motion animated comedy film set in a near-future Japan where the majority have decided to send all dogs to an island due to a recent virus outbreak that originated from them and one child landing on the island to look for his dog.
Isle of Dogs contains voice work from numerous actors including Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Bryan Cranston, Tilda Swinton, Liev Schreiber, Greta Gerwig, Yoko Ono, and several others including various Japanese actors. The animation and visuals are all vibrant and beautiful, especially the use of Japanese art style and architecture. As usual for a Wes Anderson film, the story is told in such a unique and at times quirky way that it's hard to not love it. The voice acting by everyone involved, especially the Japanese, makes you forget you're watching fake dogs and that they could be real. As for the dialogue itself, it's classic Anderson that could fit into any of his other movies, even non animated ones. It does have one huge problem in that even though it has a lot of Japanese influence, some of the Japanese culture and people are at times played in an over the top manner as well as how one of the main human characters is a white foreign exchange student from America who helps in taking down a corrupt government official. Even with that, the film is a delight especially as it's an animated film that isn't afraid to use its PG-13 rating and prove that animation isn't just for little kids. Over all: 95%
2018 top list so far:
1. A Quiet Place
2. Black Panther
3. Ready Player One
4. Isle of Dogs
5. Game Night6. Thoroughbreds
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