Saturday, March 30, 2019

Fathom Events-TCM Big Screen Classics: To Kill a Mockingbird

Turner Classic Movies and Fathom Events partner up to show a classic movie three separate days each month, and for March I went to see their rerelease of the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird. Based on the best selling novel by Harper Lee, I read it back in school and never got around to be able to see it until now. The book and the film both deal with a young girl, Scout, in the Deep South during the Great Depression as she learns to grow up all the while her father, Atticus, a lawyer is tasked with defending a black man accused of rape. Even if it was made nearly sixty years ago, Mockingbird is just as thought provoking and memorable as any other modern film. The performances and chemistry between the actors portraying the Finch family are all great and makes you believe that they have always been together. All of the movie is great to watch, but the one standout that really makes you remember is the speech delivered by Gregory Peck as Atticus at the end of the trial to defend Tom Robinson. The cinematography, production design, and costuming all perfectly evoke the 1930s era in which the film is set.

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