Sunday, January 23, 2022

Scream 2022

With the fifth installment of the franchise, Scream 2022 continues the tradition of the series homaging, referencing, and mocking tropes common to the horror slasher genre, in this case reboot sequels like Halloween 2018. This entry's Ghostface killers go after people related to the events of the first film while trying to reenact moments from both the original 1996 film and the fictional movie series it inspired. All the while, Sidney, Dewey, and Gale reluctantly come back to Woodsboro to help defeat the new assailants. Sadly, this is the first film in the series to not be directed by Wes Craven as he died in 2015, though Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett do a phenomenal job with more unique camera angles and intense shots then the previous entries. Although it's the second time that creator Kevin Williamson doesn't come back to write, the script from James Vanderbilt and Guy Busick still packs the wit and genius that the past films are known for. You get well written characters, genius explanations for what the rules are for a reboot sequel, finely executed jabs towards entitled fandoms, and good mixture of drama, terror, and comedy. One aspect that is a bit mixed is how one of the newer characters, revealed to be the child of original killer Billy Loomis, has visions of him who often helps her. I understand the message it's trying to go for towards people with mental health issues, but some of the execution is confusing. With new cast members like Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, and Jack Quaid alongside the recurring ones of Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, and David Arquette, every single actor gives strong performances that never miss. Cinematographer Brett Jutkiewicz and editor Michel Aller both add a new level to the franchise through their more unique and brisk look and slower and methodical pacing. Scream 2022 proves why this horror franchise is one of the most unique that there has ever been thanks to its self referential humor and memorable characters. Over all: 99%
2022 top list so far:
1. Scream 2022

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