Thursday, July 19, 2012

10 facts on floor hockey

Daniel Brizuela                                                                                                                                3/28/12 10 facts on floor hockey.
1. Stick can’t be above waist if right next to a player.
2. Feet have to stay on ground in order to swing.
3. No body contact with other players.
4. No ice-hockey equipment.
5. Played in flat floor surfaces like basketball courts.
6. Sometimes used to train children to play ice-hockey.
7. The rules of floor hockey come from the rules of ice-hockey.
8. It first originated in mid-1800s Canada.
9. It became a part of the Winter Special Olympics in 1970.
10. There’s overtime if a game ends in a tie.


  1. number 8 is wrong. its actually (1962 in Battle Creek, Michigan).

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  2. is someone trying to kill you
