Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Treasure Found

Daniel Brizuela                                                                                                                                4/27/11
A Treasure Found short story.
           Two boys named Mark and Jake find a map attached to a tree with the words "treasure" and "secret" written on the paper. They grab the paper and when they open it they find a treasure map written inside of the dirty white paper, which tells them that the greatest treasure in the world is buried somewhere and that they need the map to find it. The two best friends decide to find that treasure and split it in half so both of them will have an equal share of it.
The first thing that the map tells them is to walk ten steps forward, which they do, and then search for a tree with branches that make a heart symbol. Once they find the tree with the heart shaped branches, the map says to turn left and run for 20 feet and then stop. Once they finished running, the two boys check the map again which tells them that they are getting closer to finding the treasure.
            The final clue that the map has is to find a brown boulder with the sign of a happy face carved into the boulder. Once they find the boulder the boys assume that you have to dig somewhere near the boulder in order to find the treasure. After digging six holes for nearly forty-two minutes, the young boys were about to quit while in the middle of digging the seventh hole when they felt something hard in all that dirt.
            Once they cleared all of the dirt they realized that they finally found the treasure chest as the map promised them. Sticking out of the side of the chest was an envelope and inside of that envelope were another note and a key to open the lock of the treasure chest.
            The note told them that they must share whatever it is that’s inside and to treasure it for all time between each other. When they got the treasure chest outside of the hole they dug they stuck the key into the lock and twisted the key.
            When the two boys finished twisting the key and finally got it open they see that the treasure is something truly worthwhile, and that thing is friendship as written all over the inside. To them it’s worth it.

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