Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Strange Man

Daniel Brizuela

The Strange Man
            Sunday morning, 6:52 A.M., Hawaii, 1941, a strange light comes out of nowhere in the middle of a military hospital. Soldiers are called in with their weapons ready in case they are facing an unknown hostile entity.
            The strange light then turns into a person, a man with green and black skin, wearing silver clothing. This green-skinned man took out a strange blue cube out of his right pocket that sounded like a vacuum when he opened the pocket.
            He set the strange cube down on the floor and when he stood back up he said “I’m sorry.”, and then disappeared in another bright light. When he left, the soldiers were shocked and in fear as to what he was, what he meant, and what the cube was.
            A while later at about 7:45, as some soldiers carried the cube in a truck to show it to Navy Fleet Commander Husband E. Kimmel, the cube started to glow and emit a beeping sound that made the soldiers stop and get out of the truck fast.
            They feared that the beeping and glowing meant that it was some kind of explosive or something else dangerous. As one of the soldiers started to get close to the cube to see what happens, they all heard explosions from far away.
            They all reacted to the explosion and looked on as unfamiliar planes were attacking Pearl Harbor’s military base. Two of the soldiers were shot dead by the planes and the other three in fear got on the truck fast, not paying attention to the cube which stopped glowing and beeping.
            The soldier driving the truck tried desperately to try and avoid being shot at by the enemy planes. Just when they arrived near a plane hangar the truck blew up from one of the enemy plane’s bomb drop. All three of the soldiers in the truck were immediately killed and incinerated; the only thing in tact was the cube, which landed on the ground without a scratch.
            That cube stood there throughout all the chaos of the Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese. It wasn’t until five days after the event that the government was told of the cube and took it to study it along with other cubes that have appeared over the centuries right before something catastrophic happens.

            By the year 2020, the United States government has recovered all of the cubes that have been left by the same strange man that appeared in Pearl Harbor. In all they’ve collected about two hundred and five in the United States alone and over four thousand seven hundred in the rest of the world.
            The Strange Man from Pearl Harbor has also been spotted in such places as the Titanic, an hour before it hit the iceberg; in Japan 2011, right before its huge earthquake; several Native Americans before they were wiped out; the World Trade Center both in the 1993 and 2001 attacks; many Jewish towns in Europe just before the Nazis invaded, among many others.
            No matter what the government tries they just can’t put a scratch on any of the cubes with whatever they have. The real reason for why the first atom bomb was tested for the Manhattan Project was to see how indestructible they really were.

            It was May 7, 2021, when it was reported that the same man from Pearl Harbor who took out the cube there and other places throughout the world was captured by government agents. These government agents were especially trained since 2012 to hide in plain sight all over the world to observe The Strange Man if he ever appeared, even at the cost of being in the middle of a disaster. By January of 2021, they were assigned to capture him and bring him in quickly right before whatever disaster was about to happen. So far they’ve failed about six times, but now they’ve successfully captured the stranger with the cubes. Those who captured him had to act quickly and carefully to avoid whatever disaster was about to happen. That place being the capital of India right before a severe hurricane hit and killed over two hundred people.
            The government agents took him by plane to a secret government lab in the middle of the desert outside of Las Vegas. When they got there, the scientists immediately took the strange man and proceeded to experiment on him.

            A few hours later the head of the department that was assigned to capture the Strange Man arrived to check on the progress. When he entered the base he was shocked to find everyone inside, whether army personnel or scientists, dead on the ground.
            When the head of the department entered the lab where the Strange Man was supposedly being tested, along with the cubes, he saw that the life form was staring right at him. As he was grabbing for a gun that was right in front of him, he suddenly froze right there, unable to move.
            “What are you?” the department head asked scared. “What do you want?”
            The Strange Man just continued looking at the department head in the same way for a few more seconds. It then said “You’ll never learn.” The Strange Man then disappeared in a blinding light that made the department head nearly blind.
            After the Strange Man disappeared, the head of the department was able to move again after being paralyzed. After finally being able to move the head of the department decided to call the government over what happened.
            Just as he was about to dial the numbers on the phone all of the cubes that were collected over the years began to glow and emit the same sound just like the one in Pearl Harbor and all the others ones throughout history. This scared the department head so much so that he immediately turned white because of what could be happening.
            Then the cubes suddenly stopped glowing and beeping, which at first made the department head glad. The phone then suddenly rang and he immediately picked it up and answered it with the President of the U.S. on the other end.
            “What’s going on over there?” the president asked in an angry manner.
            “Sir,” began the head of the department in a scared tone. “Everyone here is dead. The Strange Man disappeared and all of the cubes started glowing and emit that sound. Something big is going to happen, sir.”
            The call then went dead and suddenly one of the television screens turned on and it was showing news reports on various nuclear missile bases all around the world firing their rockets without warning and out of nowhere at random parts of the world. This is what the cubes were beeping and glowing for, for the end of the world because of the worst disaster that can ever occur, one at the hands of man.

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